Saturday, January 12, 2008

Second test of a raw fertilizer mix - polyurethane binder..

AN fertilizer as before: 69g or 68g
1.2g KMnO4
~0.7g CeO2
14.8g polyols
8g urethane base - DFMDIC as before (4,4'-diphenylmethanediisocyanate)

a little of fine cellulose powder (~0.3-0.8g ?)

total = 92.7g (+ cellulose)
organic = 24.6% (+ cellulose)
AN approx. 52g -> 56.1%

The AN fertilizer in this case was kept in rather crude powder, particles up to 0.5mm in size. Hard to ignite, very inert. Burns surprisingly well for the ill composition that it is. What can be observed are the gases that are formed from the AN decomposition driving out vapours from the plastic and burning outside. The dolomite from the fertilizer seriously harms the performance.

Next time, time to try KN: mix FINELY ground KMnO4 into the glue with some urea too. Add a little ferric oxide too. Much more ferric oxide goes into the KN and some KMnO4 too. Also, add microcellulose into the KN. - - Possibly add a low-temp melting sugar too, no.. better would be mixing such sugar into a complete mix, it should have the longest crystals possible. This will cause cavities which will increase the surface area and help gas flow and surface layer separation too. Well, instead of sugar powder, using recrystallized KN/Sugar/Sulphur mix would be more adequate. But you would need to grind this with carbon dioxide (solid) at very low temperatures to get long, thin fragments of powder. Too much complication probably.


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